The Education & Football Programme was first developed two years ago alongside Sporting Duet FC, an established grassroots football club based in London with over 600 registered players.
Although the club has overseen the development of some excellent talent with great potential, the sheer numbers of players competing for places within professional clubs results in many players dreams being dashed when a decision is made as to whether a professional contract will be secured.
Sporting Duet FC realised that they were having as much of an impact on their young players off the pitch as on it, and felt in their duty to encourage and support players to continue developing their football whilst not losing focus on their education.
Sporting Duet FC started to provide a safe, supervised working environment where players could come to do their homework before their training session to ensure they kept up with their schoolwork. This was well received by parents and players which encouraged the club to further develop the concept by starting a Charity that would provide the same support to players within other community clubs as well as their own.
Working alongside selected local grassroot football clubs to provide a platform where players can develop as much in football as in education
Subsidised subscription fees to ensure every player can afford to play football
Providing players a safe and structured environment to study before football training